What Every Business Needs to Know About 2025 Labor Law Poster Updates

November 16, 2024

The start of the new year is a pivotal time for businesses to reflect on and consider financial, operational, and strategic objectives. It is also an ideal time to review employment policies and practices and update labor law posters to ensure full compliance with ever-evolving employment laws and regulations.

January 1st is a popular date for new labor laws to take effect, often requiring updates to workplace labor law posters. Typical changes to watch for are state and city minimum wage, discrimination, health and safety, and paid leave laws. These labor laws have mandatory posting requirements and failure to fulfill such obligations could result in penalties and fines. Ensuring your organization is compliant with all applicable labor laws minimizes the risk of costly legal consequences.

At LaborLawCenter, we attentively monitor anticipated labor law changes throughout the year including forthcoming legislation and laws expected to be amended. Below is a list of upcoming mandatory minimum wage updates by state for 2025.

If your business operates in any of the states shown below, you will be required to display updated labor law compliance posters by January 1, 2025. One posting is required in each workplace location and you may need to display both English and Spanish versions. Spanish labor law posters are recommended when you have employees who speak Spanish as their primary language.

2025 Labor Law Updates by State

Alaska Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Ships Immediately Order Now
Arizona Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Ships Immediately Order Now
California Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Pending Preorder Now
Colorado Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Ships Immediately Order Now
Connecticut Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Pending Preorder Now
District of Columbia Updated Paid Family Leave benefits Ships Immediately Order Now
Florida Minimum Wage increase effective 9/30/25 Ships Immediately Order Now
Georgia Updated Unemployment Insurance, Employee Vacation, and Equal Pay for Equal Work posters Ships Immediately Order Now
Hawaii Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2026 Ships Immediately Order Now
Kansas Updated Workers’ Compensation, Human Trafficking, and Child Labor Law posters Ships Immediately Order Now
Kentucky Updated Discrimination in Employment Ships Immediately Order Now
Louisiana Updated Earned Income Credit rates Ships Immediately Order Now
Illinois Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Pending Preorder Now
Maine Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Pending Preorder Now
Maryland Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Pending Preorder Now
Massachusetts Updated Paid Family and Medical Leave benefits Ships Immediately Order Now
Michigan Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Ships Immediately Order Now
Minnesota Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Ships Immediately Order Now
Montana Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Ships Immediately Order Now
New Hampshire Updated OSHA Poster Ships Immediately Order Now
Nevada Updated OSHA Poster Pending Preorder Now
New Jersey Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Pending Preorder Now
New York Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Pending Preorder Now
Ohio Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Ships Immediately Order Now
Oregon Updated OSHA and Paid Leave Posters Ships Immediately Order Now
Rhode Island Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Pending Preorder Now
Tennessee Updated Unemployment Insurance Poster Ships Immediately Order Now
Vermont Minimum Wage increase effective 1/1/2025 Pending Preorder Now
Virginia Updated OSHA Poster Ships Immediately Order Now

Updated Paid Family and Medical Leave benefits

Pending Preorder Now

While labor law compliance updates come at any point throughout the year, January 1st is a good time to check that your business is starting the new year in full compliance. Check here to see if you’re up-to-date with all of the posting requirements for the states and cities in which your business operates.

What You Can Do to Ensure Your Business is Compliant

  1. Visit the state and federal Department of Labor sites for the locations in which your business operates and print PDF versions of your posters for free. There are 15-20+ posters per state and federal requirements that can be printed individually. You will also be required to continuously monitor labor law changes for each posting. Remember, they can, and many do, update throughout the year.
  2. Order your 2025 labor law posters with us – We compile all required state and federal posters plus OSHA postings into one laminated 25″ x 39″ poster that’s backed by our 365-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. We’ll also send you an email alert when there is a mandatory update that requires new posters. You will have the responsibility of ordering and posting the new posters.
  3. Order your 2025 labor law poster with our Automatic Replacement Service – As updates can happen throughout the year, we will automatically ship you new posters every time an update takes place at no cost, or limitations to the number of updates, for the next 12 months. This is our most popular plan for busy employers that want to take the year-long guesswork out of labor law compliance.

Let our knowledgeable team provide you with a customized compliance solution because LaborLawCenter is your partner in workforce compliance.