2023 Minimum Wage Updates

October 21, 2022

This year we have heard so much talk about minimum wage and retaining workers. More than ever, businesses are watching the trend in minimum wage increases by states and cities. There are two times of year where minimum wages tend to change. Most states that update minimum wages do so on January 1. Many cities implement increases on January 1 while many others update July 1. Check out what we are seeing for state and city updates for 2023 here.

Minimum Wage Updates by State

State Minimum Wage Alaska Increase to $10.85 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Arizona Increase to $13.85 1/1/2023

State Minimum Wage California Increase to $15.50 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Colorado Increase to $13.65 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Delaware Increase to $11.75 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Florida Increase to $11.00 9/30/2022
State Minimum Wage Hawaii Increase to $12.00 10/1/2022

State Minimum Wage Illinois Increase to $13.00 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Maine Increase to $13.80 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Maryland Increase to $13.25 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Massachusetts Increase to $15.00 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Michigan Increase to TBD 1/1/2023
City Minimum Wage Minnesota Increase to $10.59 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Missouri Increase to $12.00 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Montana Increase to $9.95 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Nevada Increase to $10.50 7/1/2022
State Minimum Wage New Jersey Increase to $14.13 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage New Mexico Increase to $12.00 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage New York Increase to $14.20 1/1/2023

State Minimum Wage Oregon Increase to $13.50 7/1/2022

State Minimum Wage Ohio Increase to $10.10 1/1/2023

State Minimum Wage Rhode Island Increase to $13.00 1/1/2023

State Minimum Wage Vermont Increase to $13.18 1/1/2023
State Minimum Wage Virginia Increase to $12.00 1/1/2023

In addition to minimum wage increases, we have seen new laws and updates to things like Paid Sick Leave, Discrimination, and OSHA laws. Many times these updates are effective on January 1, but most often they can occur at any point during the year. Check your state poster page here to make sure that you are fully compliant.. When renewing your labor law posters, also consider adding our popular Poster Replacement Service: For 12 months, all new national, state, city, and county updates will be covered and automatically shipped to you for posting. We’ll take care of a year’s worth of posting compliance. Learn more about it. 2023 Labor Law Posters are now available for preorder. Order today to receive a fully compliant 2023 labor law poster once released.

LaborLawCenter™ is the premier labor law compliance company that’s been in the compliance business for over 20 years. We provide labor law posters and compliance services from small, single location businesses to large, multiple location corporations. Our federal, state and OSHA labor law posters are specifically designed to meet business needs and compliance requirements. Whether your company buys individual posters to ship to a single location or needs a year-round labor law poster service, Labor Law Center™ has you covered.