Minimum Wage Updates for 2018
Posted on November 8, 2017 by
EdThe United States Federal Minimum Wage has not seen an increase since 2009. Many states and cities believe that too much time has passed since an increase and law makers are taking the matter into their own hands and are implementing increases that they believe are in the best interest of their citizens. Many high cost of living areas are moving toward an eventual $15.00 minimum wage.
The Labor Law Center is tracking states and cities which are expected to increase minimum wages in January 2018. The states and cities we are tracking include:
Even though most changes are set to take effect 1/1/2018, state legislatures may release the new posting requirements for these minimum wage updates anywhere from October to January.
Also, keep in mind any new mandatory Federal, State, City, and County revisions can occur any time of year. Not sure where to start? LaborLawCenter™ has all the labor law posters and annual compliance plans you need to guarantee your compliance year-round. Visit our website for more information at
2018 Labor Law Posters are now available to pre-order. Pre-order today to get shipped a fully compliant 2018 labor law poster once released.
LaborLawCenter™ is the premier labor law compliance company that’s been in the compliance business for over 15 years. We provide labor law posters and compliance services from small, single location businesses to large, multiple location corporations. Our federal, state and OSHA labor law posters are specifically designed to meet business needs and compliance requirements. Whether your company buys individual posters to ship to a single location or needs a year-round labor law poster service, Labor Law Center™ has you covered.
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