California Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking
California Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking

California Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking


Product Specifications:

  • This 3 fold pamphlet is 3.6" x 8.5"
  • One packet includes 25 pamphlets.
Availability: In stock



  • English $15.95
    Spanish $15.95
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Product Overview

Do you have a firm located in California? If you do, you must provide a Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking handout to new employees starting at your firm or upon request by current employees. This handout describes, in detail, your employees’ rights in these areas.

The information is broken down into three areas – Your Right to Take Time Off, Your Right to Reasonable Accommodation, and Your Right to be Free from Retaliation and Discrimination.

Your Right to Take Time Off is broken down further into your right to take time off to get help to protect you or your child (ren), your additional rights if your company has 25 or more employees, along with your right of being able to use your vacation, personal leave, and/or accrued sick time.
Your Right to Reasonable Accommodation describes the right to ask your employer for help or changes in work accommodations, such as putting in locks, changing a phone number and more, to help ensure your safety.

And Your Right to be Free from Retaliation and Discrimination ensures your safety from being fired or being treated differently because you needed to utilize the above-mentioned rights. The handout states that if employees feel they are being discriminated or retaliated against in this area, they can file a complaint with the Labor Commissioner’s Office.

In addition to the Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking handout, Labor Law Center offers the California Complete Labor Law Poster contains all State, Federal, and OSHA mandatory posters in an all-in-one poster to ensure full compliance. And for employers in need of only state postings, the California State Labor Law Poster is also available.