All businesses with employees in Washington are required by state & federal employment laws to post Labor Law Posters in a visible location. Employment laws change often, which require labor law posters to be updates. Below includes past & most recent mandatory labor law updates which require employers to post the latest version of these posters.
Mandatory change(s) for the state of Washington
Paid Family and Medical Leave-Revised with new premium benefit amount and percentages.
Paid Family and Medical Leave-Revised with new weekly cap amount and new premium rates. *2023 Poster is shipping now.
Washington OSHA - Safety and Health Protection-Revised to change the amount of days allowed to file a complaint from 30 days to 90 days, updated department website URL with added QR code and a new revision date.
Your Rights as a Worker (Summary of Workplace Rights) - Includes Paid Sick Leave & Family Leave Act-Revised to remove text stating that Agricultural workers are exempt from overtime and added links to more information about meal and rest breaks and the Washington Family Care Act. Also includes a new revision date. *2022 Poster is shipping now.
Paid Family and Medical Leave-Revised with new weekly cap amount and new premium rates. *2022 Poster is shipping now.
Paid Family and Medical Leave-Revised with new 2021 benefit amount.
Your Rights as a Worker (Summary of Workplace Rights) - Includes Paid Sick Leave & Family Leave Act-New text added pertaining to the Equal Pay and Opportunities Act.
Paid Family and Medical Leave-Updated with this new poster requirement for the state of Washington.
Domestic Violence Resources-New notice with information about domestic violence in Washington.
Your Rights as a Worker (Summary of Workplace Rights) - Includes Paid Sick Leave & Family Leave Act-Revised to include new information about the Paid Family and Medical Leave which starts on January 1st, 2020 and new added Equal Pay Opportunity act information.
Your Rights as a Worker (Summary of Workplace Rights) - Includes Paid Sick Leave & Family Leave Act-Updated with new Paid Sick Leave Law effective January 1, 2018.
Washington OSHA - Safety and Health Protection-Updated with new guidelines on reporting various injuries at work, along with formatting changes throughout the poster.
Washington OSHA - Safety and Health Protection-OSHA updated w/ new guidelines on how to handle job place accidents & guidelines on how to handle deaths at work.
Mandatory federal change(s)
EEOC Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal-Revised with new information related to the new Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) effective June 27, 2023 and a new revision date.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Federal Minimum Wage-Revised the Nursing Mothers section of the poster with the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP Act) and more clarification on employer requirements to provide reasonable break time and accommodations for nursing employees.
EEOC Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal-Revised to use plain language and bullet points to summarize the laws for employees. Added a QR code that links to instructions on how to file a charge of workplace discrimination. This new version replaces the old Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law poster.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Federal Minimum Wage-Update includes new regulation revisions as of August 2016 which includes text regarding nursing mothers and overtime rules.
Wyoming OSHA - Health and Safety Protection-Updated to reflect an employees right to report work-related injuries and illnesses free from retaliation.
Wyoming Minimum Wage-The federal minimum wage reflects $7.25.
EEOC Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal-Addition of Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) Regulation.
The Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act (USERRA)-Added the Office of Special Counsel to the poster and modified existing text to incorporate the new office information.
Complete Washington Labor Law Poster that includes both State and Federal mandatory posting requirements all on one poster.
Washington Labor Law Poster Posting Requirements:
Minimum Wage Rates in Washington in 2025:
The state minimum wage rate will increase on January 1, 2025 to $16.28.
(back to top)Important Phone Numbers: State of Washington
*The quick facts should be used for informational purposes only and should not be used as legal advice or opinion. Please consult a legal expert in your area for your specific situation.
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