All businesses with employees in California are required by state & federal employment laws to post Labor Law Posters in a visible location. Employment laws change often, which require labor law posters to be updates. Below includes past & most recent mandatory labor law updates which require employers to post the latest version of these posters.
Mandatory change(s) for the state of California
Discrimination Notice-Revised notice to included new regulations regarding attorney privileges.
Whistleblower Protection Act-
Workers' Compensation-
California Minimum Wage-
Paid Sick Leave Notice-Revised amount of paid sick leave days from 3 days or 24 hours to 5 days or 40 hours annually.
CALOSHA – Health and Safety Protection-Revised with additional requirements for OSHA violations.
Discrimination Notice-Revised with new additional protections including cannabis use off the job and bereavement leave.
California Minimum Wage-California will update with a new 2024 minimum wage rate.
Transgender Rights in the Workplace-Revised with more clarification on the rights of employees who are transgender or gender nonconforming. Changes include more detailed summaries of protections for transgender and gender nonconforming employees in the workplace. The department name and logo have also been updated, as well as a new revision date.
Family Care, Medical, and Pregnancy Disability Leave-Revised to add "parent-in-law" as an accepted family member for taking leave and minor rewording of other sections. *2022 Poster is shipping now.
Discrimination Notice-Revised to add protected basis for prohibiting discrimination and changed recordkeeping requirements from two to four years. Also added clarification on what defines a "Child" and "Parent" and updated instructions for filing a complaint. *2022 Poster is shipping now.
Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee-Revised to add notes and clarification on what defines a "Child" and "Parent". *2022 Poster is shipping now.
Discrimination Notice-Revised with new protected classes as well as an expansion of employers covered under this law.
California Minimum Wage-Revised with new $14.00 minimum wage for employers pf 26 or more employees and new $13.00 minimum wage for employers of 25 or less employees effective January 1, 2021.
Unemployment Insurance-Revised with new information on unemployment due to military deployment of a family member.
Family Care, Medical, and Pregnancy Disability Leave-Revised to note that employers with 5 or more employees must offer leave as well as who is eligible for the leave.
Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee-Revised with more information on who is eligible for the program as well as a clarification on what the leave covers.
Your Rights and Obligations as a Pregnant Employee-Complete redesign along with new contact information, mission statement, and other minor text changes.
Transgender Rights in the Workplace-Complete re-design with a number of minor text adjustments.
Family Care, Medical, and Pregnancy Disability Leave-Complete redesign along with new contact information, mission statement, and other minor text changes.
Discrimination Notice-Complete redesign of the poster along with new information about protected hairstyles and time frame to file a complaint among other items.
California Minimum Wage-Revised to add 2019 and 2020 minimum wages as well as allowances for room and board under the minimum wage tab.
EDD Notice to Employees-Revision to simplify the language on how to file an unemployment claim as well as who qualifies for unemployment insurance benefits.
Unemployment Insurance-Extensive change to the notice to clarify who is able to receive unemployment insurance benefits, disability insurance benefits and paid family leave as well as how to file a claim.
California Minimum Wage-New posting requirement for the state of California effective January 1, 2018.
Wyoming OSHA - Health and Safety Protection-Updated to reflect reclarification of code citations. In addition, the penalty information has been revised along with other revisions to agency information.
California Minimum Wage-Updated to reflect new 2017 minimum wage rates, effective January 1, 2017. $10.50 for employers with 26 or more employees and $10.00 for employers with 25 or fewer employers.
Whistleblower Protection Act-Effective January 1, 2016, family members of whistleblowers are granted protection from retaliation. The added protection is now available on this updated poster
Emergency Phone Numbers-Due to new statutory changes, effective January 1, 2016, this poster now includes the requirement of MPN information. Other changes include reporting of injury revision and contact information
Discrimination Notice-Update to discrimination notice prohibits discrimination of interns/volunteers at workplaces
Paid Sick Leave Notice-New posting regarding Paid Sick Leave law, effective 7/1/2015
Unemployment Insurance-Update includes physician/practitioner instead of doctors office as an option for claiming disability insurance
California Minimum Wage-Updated to reflect minimum wage increases for 2014 and 2016. The 2014 minimum wage is $9.00, effective July 1, 2014
Workers' Compensation-New guidelines for supplemental benefits including benefits in the form of a voucher for injuries occurring after 1/1/2013
Discrimination Notice-New update to employment discrimination, which gives more guidelines and protections for religious attire at work
Workers' Compensation-Content Change
Unemployment Insurance-contact info change
California Minimum Wage-Change Whole Information
Mandatory federal change(s)
EEOC Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal-Revised with new information related to the new Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) effective June 27, 2023 and a new revision date.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Federal Minimum Wage-Revised the Nursing Mothers section of the poster with the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP Act) and more clarification on employer requirements to provide reasonable break time and accommodations for nursing employees.
EEOC Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal-Revised to use plain language and bullet points to summarize the laws for employees. Added a QR code that links to instructions on how to file a charge of workplace discrimination. This new version replaces the old Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law poster.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Federal Minimum Wage-Update includes new regulation revisions as of August 2016 which includes text regarding nursing mothers and overtime rules.
Wyoming OSHA - Health and Safety Protection-Updated to reflect an employees right to report work-related injuries and illnesses free from retaliation.
Wyoming Minimum Wage-The federal minimum wage reflects $7.25.
EEOC Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal-Addition of Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) Regulation
The Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act (USERRA)-Added the Office of Special Counsel to the poster and modified existing text to incorporate the new office information.
Complete California Labor Law Poster that includes both State and Federal mandatory posting requirements all on one poster.
California Labor Law Poster Posting Requirements:
Minimum Wage Rates in California in 2025:
The state minimum wage rate will increase on January 1, 2025 to $16.50.
Note: In addition to the California Labor Law Poster updating to reflect the new Workers' Compensation change, the Workers' Compensation Pamphlet is required to be given to new employees at time of hire or before their first payroll has been updated as well. Please click here to purchase.
(back to top)Important Phone Numbers: State of California