Colorado Unemployment Insurance Poster Update

May 15, 2019

The state of Colorado issued a new Unemployment Insurance poster with information on who qualifies for unemployment as well as revised contact information. All businesses in Colorado must display this new poster or face fines.

The notice lets workers know they have the right to be classified as an employee or independent contractor and be properly paid in a timely manner. It provides resources for employees to learn more about their classification.

Updated contact information is provided for those who think they may be subject to improper payment practices. New phone numbers are listed, including ones for those living in Denver, outside of Denver, and one for the hearing impaired. There are website addresses for employees to learn more and/or file a claim.

All employers are required to provide this notice to employees by law and failure to do so could result in fines.

Notice Date: 5/1/2019
Suggested Post Date: ASAP

Order the All-in-One Colorado Poster with these latest updates to stay compliant with state labor laws. Labor Law Center continually monitors local, state and federal posting requirements and has been helping thousands of businesses maintain compliance since 1999.