New York Minimum Wage Increase Set for 2018

December 12, 2017



New York state workers will, once again, see an increase to their paychecks as the new minimum wage laws go into effect on January 1, 2018.  As of last year, minimum wages are broken out by geographic area and general industry.  Wages are broken out for the following industries:

Miscellaneous Industries:

New York City – Large employers with 11 or more employees

New York City – Small employers with 10 or less employees

Long Island –

Remaining NY Cities –

Hospitality Industry:

New York City – Large employers with 11 or more employees

New York City – Small employers with 10 or less employees

Long Island –

Remaining NY Cities –

Building Services, Apparel and Farm Industries:

New York City – Large employers with 11 or more employees

New York City – Small employers with 10 or less employees

Long Island –

Remaining NY Cities –

Notice Requirement

New York’s minimum wage orders carry a mandatory posting requirement which must be displayed in highly visible areas of the workplace where employees have regular access, such as break or lunch rooms.

At The Labor Law Center we continually monitor local, state and federal posting requirements and will make them available as soon as they are released .  The All-In-One New York Labor Law Poster is now available with all of the latest updates, including the 2018 Miscellaneous Industry Minimum Wage notice.

The Labor Law Center also offers a worry-free service to our customers through our Poster Service Plan with automatic replacements.  What this means is that we monitor the state and federal postings and automatically send you updates when they are released.  It is that simple!

We also offer clients our popular Education Center.  If you are new to labor law compliance or just wanting to keep up with the latest news and changes as they come out, this is the place to bookmark and visit regularly.