District of Columbia Sees Minimum Wage Increase July 1, 2017


The District of Columbia is progressively seeing higher minimum wages as it continues to bridge the gap to a $15.00 minimum wage by July 1, 2020.  Toward that end, the minimum wage for all employees in the District of Columbia went from $11.50 an hour to $12.50 effective July 1, 2017.  In addition the base minimum wage for tipped employees increased from $2.77 to $3.33 on July 1.

All businesses within the District of Columbia must display the new minimum wage notice which is part of the all in one District of Columbia Labor Law Poster which also includes all federal posting requirements.

The Labor Law Center offers a worry-free service to our customers through our Poster Service Plan with automatic replacements.  What this means is that we monitor the state and federal postings and automatically send you updates when they are released.  It is that simple!

We also offer our clients our newly updated Education Center.  If you are new to labor law compliance or just wanting to keep up with the latest news and changes as they come out, this is the place to bookmark and visit regularly.

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