Arizona No Smoking Poster
Arizona No Smoking Poster

Arizona No Smoking Poster


Product Specifications:

  • This poster is 8.5” x 11”
  • Front and back sides are laminated
  • Quality printing in full color
Availability: In stock



  • English $9.95
    Spanish $9.95
    Please select a product.
Product Overview

Since May 1, 2007, Arizona has had a Smoke-Free Arizona initiative in place that helps to ensure that workers do not smoke while at work. Smokers are prohibited from smoking indoors while at work, but they may be able to smoke in designated smoking areas outside of the workplace.

Employers should help their employees comply with the initiative by posting no smoking signs throughout the workplace in areas where employees can view the posters, such as an employee break room or in the restrooms. These no smoking signs are written in both Spanish and English and provide clear directions about not smoking indoors that employees can understand.