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Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Handout


Product Specifications:

  • This form is 8.5" x 11"
  • 25 Sheets/Package
  • Also Available in Spanish
Availability: In stock



  • English $14.95
    Spanish $14.95
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Product Overview

Pennsylvania workers are covered by the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act in the event that they are injured or become ill as a result of a work-related incident. As part of the Workers’ Compensation program, employees should be able to collect payments for lost wages and benefits, medical bills, death, and other expenses incurred as a result of the work-related injury or illness.

Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Notice Requirements

Employers are required to post a Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Notice in a place that is clearly visible and accessible to all employees, such as an employee break room or public bulletin board. This notice lets employees know about their obligations and the employer’s obligations in the event that a workplace injury or illness occurs.

The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Notice should also contain information about the insurance company that provides the Workers’ Compensation insurance for the employer.

Employers are not only required to post the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Notice, but they must also report all injuries or illnesses to their insurers and the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Bureau.

Employers must report deaths within 48 hours after the incident. Employers must report injuries or illnesses within seven to ten days if the incident resulted in a disability of more than one day, shift, or return to work. The insurance company or employer is required to accept or deny liability for the injury or illness within 21 days after the employee files the claim.

Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Handout

In addition to posting a notice, it is always recommended to reinforce information.  The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Handout includes 25 informational sheets containing important information about the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation program. All employees should have access to this information when they need it.  Be proactive and inform your employees of their rights under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act.