Illinois Concealed Carry Prohibited Sign
Illinois Concealed Carry Prohibited Sign

Illinois Concealed Carry Prohibited Sign


Product Specifications:

  • This sign is 4" x 6"
  • Quality printing in full color
  • Front and back sides are laminated
Availability: In stock



  • English $9.95
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Product Overview

Under House Bill 183, Illinois became the last state in the nation to allow concealed carry of firearms. Individuals wanting to legally carry firearms must apply for a license by the Illinois State Police (ISP); who will also issue the license.

Business owners and employers that prohibit the carrying of firearms on their property or workplace must clearly and conspicuously post an ISP approved sign, in accordance with the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, at the entrance of the building, premises or real property.  

The “Illinois Concealed Carry Prohibited Sign” from Labor Law Center complies with the Illinois State Police sign standards under the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Post this sign at your workplace to meet Illinois signage requirements.