State of Washington Mileage Reimbursement Law

Many employers in the State of Washington comply with the law of reimbursing their employees for using their own personal car or vehicle for work-related travel. This can be as simple as running errands or as large as picking up clients or driving across the state on a regular basis. The Washington Mileage Reimbursement Law helps employees like you; get the compensation for the time spent on the clock in their own car.

Before you can ask your employer for mileage reimbursement, you will first need to know if you are covered for these expenses. I find it interesting that not all employers or businesses are required to offer this to their workers. In fact, some employees may be covered, while others may not. You will need to ask your employer if this law in fact, covers you.

In addition, getting compensation for the miles you put on your car during the workday may not be easy. Many companies will require that you fill out necessary paperwork before you use your car, or get permission in advanced. Also, your employer might require you to provide a clean driving record, proof of insurance and proof of a valid driver’s license before giving you any money back. Some may allow employees to get reimbursement after so many miles, while others will give you compensation for short trips. However, any time you use your car on a regular basis for work, you should not spend your money out of your pocket. That is the responsibility of your company to pay you for this.

If you are not certain whether or not you qualify for compensation under the Washington Mileage Reimbursement Law, I would recommend that you either speak to your employer. Chances are that if your employer realizes how much time you spend in your car while working, he or she will be more than happy to comply with this law.

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