Unless you are an employee of the state, state law does not govern transportation costs and reimbursement expenses. By law your employer has to pay you for your travel time but he is not required to pay you for travel expenses or mileage allowances.
I have found that most employers do pay for mileage expenses even if they are not bound by law to do so. Some employers pay a fixed daily or monthly rate such as in cases of employees traveling to multiple worksites on a regular basis. Most employers pay their employees at a rate close to that set by the IRS. The IRS sets an optional standard mileage rate annually based on a number of factors. This is the maximum amount allowed as a deductible expense. If you are paid at a rate lower than the amount, which is currently set at $.445 than you may claim the difference, but if you are paid at a higher amount, then you may be subject to report the excess as wages earned. A lot of times employers will set up policies for travel expenses to mirror that of the states regulations.
In Pennsylvania, reimbursement is at the mileage rate determined by the Federal Government at the beginning of every year. This mileage rate covers all transportation and operating costs of the vehicle, including, but not limited to, gasoline and insurance.Additional reimbursement will be made for turnpike tolls, bridge tolls and reasonable parking fees. Under no circumstances will vehicle repair costs be reimbursed for personal vehicles. If you use your own vehicle when a more economical or efficient mode of transportation is available you will only be reimbursed for what the actual transportation cost would have been. For instance if you choose to drive rather than fly you will only be reimbursed the least expensive airfare amount.